Rama modules can be easily tested using a built-in facility called InProcessCluster. The com.rpl.rama.test package provides a nice Clojure API to using InProcessCluster
and other testing facilities. See the main page on testing for complete details on testing facilities available, which all have corresponding analogues in com.rpl.rama.test
. The intro blog post and rama-demo-gallery also have many examples of using InProcessCluster
through the Clojure API.
You can also unit test deframafn
and deframaop
that operate on PStates using the create-test-pstate facility in com.rpl.rama.test
. Here’s an example of using this:
(use 'com.rpl.rama)
(use 'com.rpl.rama.path)
(require '[com.rpl.rama.test :as rtest])
(deframafn foo-op [$$p]
(local-transform> [:a "b" (term inc)] $$p)
(with-open [tp (rtest/create-test-pstate
{clojure.lang.Keyword (map-schema String
{:subindex? true})})]
(rtest/test-pstate-transform [:a "b" (termval 10)] tp)
(println "Initial:" (rtest/test-pstate-select-one [:a "b"] tp))
(foo-op tp)
(println "After one call:" (rtest/test-pstate-select-one [:a "b"] tp))
(foo-op tp)
(println "After two calls:" (rtest/test-pstate-select-one [:a "b"] tp)))
Running this prints:
Initial: 10
After one call: 11
After two calls: 12